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发布日期: 2023-05-17





1. 文档库建设:将企业各部门的文档集中存储,建立起完善的文档库。


2. 文档分类标签:制定统一的分类标准和文档分类规范,方便快速检索和共享。


3. 数据安全与权限管理:建立完善的文档浏览权限控制机制,确保信息安全。


4. 协同办公平台:建立协同办公平台,实现各部门之间的信息共享,提高工作效率。




1. 统一的文档管理平台:基于Filez,企业可以方便地管理所有文件和文档。


2. 数据安全和权限控制:企业可以轻松设置和管理文件和文件夹的访问权限,并确保机密数据的安全。


3. 智能搜索和版本控制:联想Filez提供强大的搜索和版本控制功能,大大提高了文档管理效率。


4. 多平台支持:联想Filez支持多种操作系统和移动设备,让用户可以随时随地访问和管理文件。



The reason why enterprises need to build a document middle ground is that modern enterprises perform their own duties and work together, involving a large number of document processing and information exchange. Without a good document management system, it is easy to find information that is difficult to query, take too long to build data, and have high communication costs. Building a document center can solve these problems.


The following aspects need to be considered when building a document center:


1. Document library construction: Centralize the storage of documents from various departments of the enterprise and establish a comprehensive document library.


2. document classification label: develop unified classification standards and document classification specifications to facilitate rapid retrieval and sharing.


3. Data security and permission management: Establish a comprehensive document browsing permission control mechanism to ensure information security.


4. Collaborative Office Platform: Establish a collaborative office platform to achieve information sharing among departments and improve work efficiency.


Lenovo Filez, as a tool for building enterprise document platforms, can help enterprises quickly build document platforms, including:


1. Unified document management platform: Based on Filez, enterprises can easily manage all files and documents.


2. Data security and permission control: Enterprises can easily set and manage access permissions for files and folders, and ensure the security of confidential data.


3. Intelligent search and version control: Lenovo Filez provides powerful search and version control functions, greatly improving document management efficiency.


4. Multi platform support: Lenovo Filez supports multiple operating systems and mobile devices, allowing users to access and manage files anytime, anywhere.