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发布日期: 2023-05-20





























With the continuous development of the manufacturing industry, file collaboration management has become increasingly important. In today's era of information technology development, the manufacturing process requires a large number of documents, making document management more complex. The traditional file collaboration method is no longer able to meet the needs of the manufacturing industry. Therefore, a powerful and intelligent file collaboration platform has become particularly important.

The Challenges of Collaborative Management of Manufacturing Documents

In the manufacturing industry, there are various types of documents involved, including production plans, process documents, quality management documents, and so on. These files need to be coordinated and shared between different devices and departments, making collaborative file management more difficult.

At the same time, due to the differences between different devices and file capabilities, this also exacerbates the complexity of file collaboration management in the manufacturing industry.

In addition, security and permission control are also important challenges for collaborative management of manufacturing documents, especially in public or online environments. Once a file is leaked or illegally modified, it will bring huge losses to the manufacturing industry.

To address the challenges of file collaboration management in the manufacturing industry, Lenovo Filez is one of the best solutions to address these challenges.

Lenovo Filez is an intelligent file collaboration platform with highly secure storage and sharing capabilities. It supports multiple file types, including text, images, videos, audio, and compressed files, and can synchronize files on different devices (PC, tablet, phone).

In addition, Lenovo Filez can also achieve security and permission control, support file auditing function, and users can record the usage of files to ensure file security.

How to use Lenovo Filez for collaborative management of manufacturing files

It is easy to use Lenovo Filez for collaborative management of manufacturing files. Here are the specific steps:

Step 1: Upload File

Users can upload files through a PC, tablet, or mobile phone. The uploaded files can be shared between multiple devices.

Step 2: Team Collaboration

Lenovo Filez supports team collaboration functionality, allowing users to share files in a directory and set editing, reading, and sharing permissions.

Step 3: File tracking and audit function

Lenovo Filez supports file tracking and auditing functions, recording file usage to ensure file security.

Conclusion: Manufacturing file collaboration management is a necessary tool, and Lenovo Filez provides an intelligent file collaboration platform that can help enterprises easily handle complex collaborative file management. Lenovo Filez's advantages include intelligent device and file support, security and permission control, as well as file tracking and auditing capabilities, which can make manufacturing more efficient, secure, and reliable in file collaboration management.